I totally did not understand the clear property which works with float & the explanation in the curriculum was barely a paragraph. I had to do some research on my own to clearify my understanding & so I am doing this below with an illustrative demonstration. If there are two elements on an HTML page and one of them is floating (using the float property to the left or to the right) in such a way that it is overlapping or conflicting with the second element then the second element can clear space (to the left or right). The following example illustrates:
Since I am very new & unaware of CSS I find that actually seeing a demonstration of the code helps me a great deal. When the curriculum mentions using the float property to position elements to the left or right I would love to see it with my own eyes (a demonstration). So here is some code that demonstrates this.
Again the curriculum does not elaborate upon how to display or position elements using display:table and display:table-cell but it does mention it.
The curriculum glosses over inline-block & then there is a lab where the solution uses inline-block so here is a bit of explanation on inline block & some demonstration code.
I am not very CSS savvy so going through what is provided by the curriculum I was confused by the block & inline elements & the box model. What I needed was a demonstration and visual aids rather than just visual aids & verbal explanations.