Light, Love , Kingdom of Heaven to the World

The src may be derived (modified). No credit is taken.

Illustrating the use of margin:auto property & value

Following illustrates in an atomic fashion the use of margin:auto:

Demonstration of the Z-index property

Again the description in the curriculum of the z-index property was perplexing & I did not grasp it entirely.

Demonstrating position:fixed for an element

I had to actually see a demonstration to believe what position:fixed as an attribute and value for an html element in a style sheet can do:

Demonstrating position : relative in CSS

In matters related to front end and CSS in particular illustrations are worth 10,000 words & clear up any confusion or claims in text.

Using clearfix & display:flowroot to accomodate floating elements

So when I was just trying to shore up my understanding of CSS I was frustrated by the offering of the curriculum because it would touch on topics without illustrations or examples & I was not understanding what was going on but then it would quiz people or present labs on basic concepts that became difficult to solve because the background information was not provided.