Light, Love , Kingdom of Heaven to the World

The src may be derived (modified). No credit is taken.

Columns Layout Using inline-block

The inline-block method, is primarily helpful for placing elements next to one another within a line. The inline-block property accepts all box model properties, including height, width, padding, border, and margin. Using inline-block elements allows us to take full advantage of the box model without having to worry about clearing floats.

Columns Layout Using Float

The curriculum does not fully demonstrate or explain the use of floats in creating column layouts so I am trying to fill in the gaps here with this post and atomic, minimal, demonstrative example :

Sharing or Inheriting CSS Properties & Values

In an attempt to use DRY (don’t repeat yourself) in CSS there is oft a desire to not rewrite CSS code. Here are some ways of avoiding it.

Illustrating the use of tabs in Materialize CSS

So the materialize CSS docs are not very helpful if you want to have tabs in your html page.

Illustrating the use of Datepicker in Materialize

I looked online & all the examples were not esential, atomic & minimal. They used jquery or provided no access to the actual source code.