Light, Love , Kingdom of Heaven to the World

The src may be derived (modified). No credit is taken.

A callback function in Java

The reader of this blog may have viewed the rather atomic & trivial example of passing a callback function in JS.

Demonstrating A Call Back Function

When we pass a function expression (an anonymous function) or the pointer (variable name, declared function name) to a function as an argument, the passed function is called a callback. Since the receiving function will execute, or call that function at a later time; that is, it will call it back, it is called a callback.

Javascript Closures & Demonstrating an atomic lesson

So it seems that JS closures are not very properly (atomically & in a utilitarian fashion) explained in our curriculum.

React Redux Word List Application Final Project

So I finally completed the requirements for the final application using Reac-Redux with a rails API backend.

Keeping Life Civilized & Gentrified

I ran into the following interview by a flatiron student (ex student) and resonated with it: